New Development Report Released on Hillsborough St / Cameron Village Districts
At the beginning of 2017, the Hillsborough Street Community Service Corporation (led by Jeff Murison) released their first annual report on all the development and economic impact projects happening in Raleigh along Hillsborough St and the neighboring downtown and Cameron Village districts.
As the local development and commercial real estate representative in the district, Colliers was pleased to help sponsor the report as well as feature in some of the great projects and developments happening in our backyard!
Here’s a few quick tip bits for your Capital Compass perspective:

As you can see, the Hillsborough St corridor has been an active site for development for the last 5 years. The proximity to NC State University, as well as growth in the urban core of downtown Raleigh will both only result in more activity for this submarket in 2017.

The current development pipeline (above) as well as total development dollars graphics make the future look bright for Hillsborough.

Please download and read the full report for a complete list of projects underway near NC State, Cameron Village and downtown. For any questions, Jeff Mursion and Will Gaskins will be happy to assist.
- Capital Compass